Information in your language
The information on our website is available in other languages to help people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds to learn more about ARAS.
The ARAS overview brochure is available in 17 languages and details what we do and how we can help
- Arabic
- Bosnian
- Chinese (Simplified)
- Chinese (Traditional)
- Croatian
- Dutch
- German
- Greek
- Hungarian
- Italian
- Latvian
- Polish
- Russian
- Serbian
- Spanish
- Ukrainian
- Vietnamese
Disclaimer: Aged Rights Advocacy Service (ARAS) uses Google Translate to provide language translations of its content (excluding brochures mentioned above, which have been translated by professional and certified interpreters). The Google Translate feature is provided for informational purposes only. Google Translate is a third-party service and site users will be leaving ARAS’ website to utilise translated content. As such, ARAS cannot guarantee or claim responsibility for the accuracy, reliability, or performance of this service, nor the limitations provided by this service such as the inability to translate specific files like pdfs and graphics (eg .jpgs, .gifs). Any individuals or parties who use ARAS’ content in translated form, whether by Google Translate or by any other translation services, do so at their own risk. ARAS is not responsible for any damages or issues of translated content not approved by ARAS.
Aged Rights Advocacy Service Inc.
175 Fullarton Road
Dulwich SA 5065 -
Mailing Address:
175 Fullarton Road
Dulwich SA 5065 - Phone: (08) 8232 5377
- Free Call: 1800 700 600 Aged Care Advocacy Line (toll free)
- Fax: (08) 8232 1794
- Email Address:
Acknowledgement of Country
Aged Rights Advocacy Service acknowledges the traditional owners of our country and pays respect to Elders past and present. We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with their country.
Please be aware that this site may contain the names and/or images of deceased Aboriginal people. ARAS acknowledges that to some Aboriginal communities, it is distressing to show images and mention names of people who have died.
© 2017 - 2025 Aged Rights Advocacy Service (ARAS)